Backup overview:
- The maximum amount of work that you can afford to loose:
- To define a backup policy you must define the maximum downtime:
Backup specifics for source referential:
When defining a backup policy, it is important to have some figures on the volume of data that you will generate, the data that you keep should be relevant, and best is to optimize the amount of data. Regarding this the configuration management has some specific because keeping a reasonable history is interesting.
To setup a backup for SVN, there are basically two options
- Generate an export from you repository using the svn export command. It has the advantage not to consider the big files that has been committed by error into the repository, but has the disadvantage to loose the history, but also duplicate all the information that has to do with the creation of branches or tags, resulting sometimes in making file bigger.
- On the other hand you could use the svn dump functions svnadmin dump, that will keep the history and keep the links between the revision of trunk, but maybe this could be bigger in size (for instance if you did an import just at the beginning of the project and then you removed it), you do not want those file to consume some space.
So the best option is to keep some of the history of the project, bu not all.
Here is a simple script that does it.
vi /etc/cron.daily/
rm -rf /tmp/svn/*>/dev/null
mkdir /tmp/svn
# Getting information on the last revision, filtering on line
# and cttuing the results
for i in $( find $SVN_REPO_LOCATION/* -maxdepth 0 -type d -printf "%f\n" ); do
revmax=`svn info file://$SVN_REPO_LOCATION/$i/|grep Révision|cut -d ' ' -f 2|sed s/[a-z]*//`
echo Revision max=$revmax
revmin=$(expr $revmax - 100)
revmin=$(( $revmin < 0 ? 0 : $revmin ))
svnadmin dump -r$revmin:$revmax $SVN_REPO_LOCATION/$i>/tmp/svn/$i
tar -czf /var/backup/$i-day-`date +%Y%m%d`.tgz /tmp/svn/$i
rm -rf /tmp/svn/*
find $BACKUP_LOCATION -name *day* -mtime +7 -exec grep rm -f {} \;
vi /etc/cron.weekly/
rm -rf /tmp/svn/*>/dev/null
mkdir /tmp/svn
for i in $( find $SVN_REPO_LOCATION/* -maxdepth 0 -type d -printf "%f\n" ); do
svnadmin dump $SVN_REPO_LOCATION/$i>/tmp/svn/$i
tar -czf $BACKUP_LOCATION/$i-weekly-`date +%Y%m%d`.tgz /tmp/svn/$i
rm -rf /tmp/svn/*
find $BACKUP_LOCATION -name *weekly* -mtime +80 -exec grep rm -f {} \;
vi /etc/cron.daily/
find /var/backup/ -name *-day-* -mtime +7|xargs rm -f
find /var/backup/ -name *-week -mtime +30 |xargs rm -f